Vol. 13, issue 12, article # 2

pdf Ivlev L. S., Khvorostovskii S. N. Investigation into effect of cosmic radiation on microstructural parameters and optical properties of the lower atmosphere in middle and high latitudes. Part 2. Heterogeneous processes under the effect of a flow of high-energy particles. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 12. P. 1000-1004.
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The effect of the flow of high-energy protons on the lower atmosphere is considered. The analytical equations are derived for the ionization rate of molecules and aerosol particles in the processes of both impact ionization and ambipolar diffusion. The ionization rate of aerosol particles is calculated for some cases. Variations of the optical depth are estimated for the atmospheric layer of 8-10 km. A good agreement between the calculated and observed values is achieved.