Vol. 16, issue 01, article # 8

pdf Wang Geng Chen., Grechko E. I., Emilenko A. S., Kopeikin V. M., Fokeeva E. V. Simultaneous measurements of the carbon monoxide column density and submicron aerosol in the atmospheric boundary layer over Beijing. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 01. P. 38-43.
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The paper presents data on 24-hour measurements of ground concentration of submicron aerosol and soot as well as the data on the carbon monoxide (CO) content in the polluted urban atmospheric layer carried out in the northern part of Beijing during the fall periods in 1992, 1996-2001 and in summer of 1999. For Beijing, it is very typical that high correlation between the ground soot concentration and the concentration of the ground submicron aerosol (0.9 for the fall seasons of 1992, 1996-2001 and 0.8 for summer season of 1999). High correlation was also obtained for logarithms of the urban CO column density and the ground concentration of submicron aerosol (daytime mean). High monthly mean values of the ground concentration are obtained due to extremely high concentration far exceeding the maximum permissible concentration at low winds in the south direction and temperature inversions in the lower 300 m layer. From 1992 to 1999 in Beijing we observed a significant growth of soot and aerosol concentrations, and the monthly mean values of concentration of these components increased almost twice. In 2000, due to the change in the basic sources of soot and aerosol emission from coal to gas, a sharp decrease (up to one and a half times) of the content of soot and submicron aerosol occurred in the atmospheric boundary layer of Beijing. The urban contribution to the column density of carbon monoxide did not change greatly. A comparison was made of the measurement results in Beijing and Moscow.