Vol. 16, issue 05-06, article # 14

pdf Kurbatskii A. F., Kurbatskaya L. I. Dispersion of passive pollution from a surface source over an urban heat island . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 05-06. P. 443-448.
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The results of computer simulation of dispersion of passive pollutants from an extended surface source over an urban heat island in a critical meteorological period (gentle wind, stable thermal stratification of the atmosphere, locking inversion) are presented. The Eulerian model of the atmospheric diffusion is constructed based on the three-parameter theory of turbulent transfer. It includes the differential transport equations for the average concentration and correlation between turbulent fluctuations of the concentration and temperature. The fully explicit anisotropic algebraic mass flux model of pollution is formulated. The simulation shows that the pollution plume disperses above the inversion layer. Comparison between the results obtained with the fully explicit algebraic mass flux model, which physically correctly takes into account the buoyancy effects, and the simple Boussinesq model ignoring the buoyancy effects show that the Boussinesq model essentially underestimates both vertical and horizontal pollutant diffusion, that results in accumulation of pollutants near the surface.