Vol. 16, issue 07, article # 14

pdf Shamanskii Yu. V. Dependence of the atmospheric electric field strength in Irkutsk on aerosol pollution. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 07. P. 601-603.
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The statistical relation of the atmospheric electric field strength to the wind direction and speed, dust concentration, meteorological range, and type of clouds in Irkutsk is studied. The relation of the field strength to wind direction is presented by a three-dimensional regression. The strongest variability of the electric field is observed at low wind speeds, while at high wind speeds the variability is insignificant, which is explained by turbulent mixing and clearing of the atmosphere. The inverse relation was obtained between the dust concentration and the electric field strength; this dependence manifests itself in both monthly mean and diurnally mean values. The increase in the dust concentration leads to an increase of the air conductivity. The decrease of the electric field strength and the increase of the conductivity with the increasing dust concentration are explained by natural radioactivity of the soil dust and ashes from coal used for heating. The dependence of the electric field on the meteorological range is represented by the inverse linear dependence.