Vol. 16, issue 07, article # 6

pdf Belov V. V., Vinarskii M. V., Ippolitov I. I., Kabanov M. V., Milyakov A. V., Mitsel' A. A. Approximate methods for simulation of diffuse radiation. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 07. P. 556-564.
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The Eddington model approximation for calculation of diffuse ultraviolet radiation is considered. All equations needed for modeling are derived, and a computer code is developed. The two-stream approximation is considered as well. The model data are compared with the results of the Monte Carlo method and experimental data, satisfactory agreement is demonstrated, and the Eddington model approximation is shown to be applicable to solution of practical problems of atmospheric optics in the ultraviolet spectral region.