Vol. 16, issue 12, article # 3

pdf Zhuravleva T. B., Nasrtdinov I. M., Sakerin S. M., Firsov K. M., Chesnokova T. Yu. Numerical simulation of angular structure of the near-horizon sky brightness in ground-based observations. Part 2. The aerosol-gas atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 12. P. 972-981.
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An efficient algorithm is presented for calculation of the diffuse solar radiation by the conjugate walk method in the spherical aerosol-gas atmosphere. Molecular absorption and spectral instrumental function of photometers are taken into account through parameters of exponential series expansion of the transmission function. Based on the results of computer simulation, it is shown that the neglect of molecular absorption in atmospheric transmission windows leads to errors in radiative calculations, which increase in going from the solar almucantar to the near-horizon sky zone, and under typical atmospheric conditions these errors make from 2 to 40%. The aerosol effect on the diffuse radiation shows itself in the following regularities: the sky brightness decreases almost linearly with the decrease of the single scattering albedo, while its dependence on the aerosol thickness may be nonmonotonic for azimuth viewing angles less than 90°.