Vol. 16, issue 12, article # 9

pdf Makienko E. V., Rakhimov R. F., Pkhalagov Yu. A., Uzhegov V. N. Microphysical interpretation of the anomalous spectral behavior of aerosol extinction along a ground path. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2003. V. 16. No. 12. P. 1008-1012.
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The paper analyzes possible causes of the formation of situations rarely observed in the atmospheric boundary layer when anomalous spectral dependence of the aerosol extinction coefficient occurs with the invasion of the Arctic air mass. The solution of the inverse problem have shown that the invasion of Arctic air manifests itself in the aerosol disperse structure as a drastic fall in the content of the particles of accumulative fraction, narrowing of the medium-disperse fraction, and shift of the entire particle size spectrum to the region of small particles. At a more pronounced anomaly, the optical contribution of the accumulative aerosol fraction to the extinction of visible radiation decreased to a negligible level. The optical effect of coarse aerosols (at r > 2 mkm) in the wavelength range 0.44 to 1.06 mkm has a spectral behavior of the aerosol extinction coefficient close to a neutral one. Under these conditions the medium-disperse particles of the sizes from 0.3 to 1.8 mkm with the main mode of particle geometric cross section distribution at about 0.6 mkm and a broad second peak at about 1.4 mkm have determined, in general, the anomalous spectral dependence of the measured aerosol extinction coefficients.