Vol. 17, issue 01, article # 12

pdf Lukin I. P. On integral resolution of the turbulent atmosphere and a telescopic system for the Knox-Thompson method . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 78-82.
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The integral resolution of the Knox-Thompson method is investigated in its classical formulation, when image spectra are shifted by some fixed value of the spatial scale. In this case, the integral resolution of the method can be determined as an integrated form of its optical transfer function at the current spatial scale. The integral resolution of the system "turbulent atmosphere - telescope" is shown to decrease monotonically for this method, as the fixed shift of the spatial scale increases. It is noted that the integral resolution of the Knox-Thompson method is always lower than that of the Labeyrie method. The classical Knox-Thompson method has a higher integral resolution at shifts of speckle-interferograms within a speckle, while the extended Knox-Thompson method better processes the well advanced speckle-structure of an image for large shifts of speckle-interferograms.