Vol. 17, issue 01, article # 3

pdf Budak V. P., Kozelskii A. V., Savitskii E. N. Improvement of the spherical harmonics method convergence at strongly anisotropic scattering . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 28-33.
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The algorithm for convergence acceleration of the spherical harmonics method based on the small angle approximation (SAA) considering the part of solution, anisotropic over the sighting angle, is offered. On the basis of the numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation (RTE) by the method of spherical harmonics, the difference between the RTE and SAA precise solutions is found. The use of the small-angle modification of the spherical harmonics method as the SAA allows us to obtain the solution in the analytic form that demonstrates high potentiality of the algorithm.