Vol. 17, issue 05-06, article # 7

pdf Sorokovikova L. M., Netsvetaeva O. G., Tomberg I. V., Khodzher T. V., Pogodaeva T. V. Effect of atmospheric precipitation on the chemical composition of river waters in the South Baikal. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 05-06. P. 373-377.
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We discuss some results of investigations into the chemical composition of snow cover and river waters in the South Baikal region. It has been determined that acidity of anions of strong acids is not fully neutralized in snow waters of basins of some rivers. In a many-year aspect, pH of snow waters is gradually lowering, being a real threat of acidification of surface waters. It is shown that natural balance of ions in river waters is disturbed, the concentration of sulfates in them increases, while the concentration of hydrocarbonates and calcium decreases.