Vol. 17, issue 09, article # 5

pdf Pelevin V. N., Koprova L. Koprova. On the relation between the visibility depth of a white disk, optical index of water type, and water circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 09. P. 676-680.
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Experimental data on the visibility depth of a white disk Zd and the optical index of water type m for surface water of the Atlantic Ocean are analyzed. The comparison made between the Zd and m maps of the Atlantic Ocean with those for the dynamic depth D at the 100 m level indicates that the large values of Zd and small values of m occur under conditions of anticyclone circulation. Turbid water is typical of the cyclone circulation, which is associated with the ascent of low-layer water enriched with nutrients. The empirical equation Zd = Zd(m) derived allows estimation of Zd to be done from the values of m measured remotely in the visible spectral region from a ship, airplane, or satellite.