The possibilities of using optical methods for estimating the parameters of disperse and spatial structures of water ecosystem of loess water bodies are considered using the Khanka lake as an example. It was shown that proximate optical methods could be used to estimate the average size of organo-mineral chorions, their boundary surface, the concentration of mineral suspension particles, the average distance between particles, and total content of the organic matter. The methods of instrumental valuation of contact boundary characteristics, which were used, allow proceeding to direct investigation of quantitative characteristics in studying the processes in the boundary zones. The evaluation of number of bacterio- and phytoplankton, carried out with the help of standard hydrobiological methods, has allowed estimating a structure of their distribution over the lake. The data on spatial distribution of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and particles of a mineral suspension enable one to more precisely determine the energy losses of bacteriocells at their passage from free to an attached state and those of the phytoplankton cells at their vertical migration.