Vol. 18, issue 05-06, article # 26

pdf Yakovleva V. S., Schmidt V., Hamel P., Buchroder H., Gyngazova M. A. Deposition of short-lived Rn-222 decay products on solid surfaces . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2005. V. 18. No. 05-06. P. 467-470.
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Literature data for the last two decades on deposition velocities of unattached radon decay products has been analyzed. A long-term experiment on investigation of the variation range of the deposition velocity of short-lived 222Rn decay products on a surface (dwelling walls) was conducted for actual living conditions in Germany. The influence of the different parameters (atmospheric pressure, indoor and outdoor air temperatures, humidity, turbulence in the near-surface air, radon concentration activity, heating, ventilation regimes, and season) on the deposition velocity was statistically analyzed. Mean value and the deposition velocity range were found to be 0.05 cm s-1 (0.02-0.09 cm s-1) for unattached 218Po and 214Pb. Significant correlation between the unattached 218Po deposition velocity and indoor air temperature, humidity, and season was found.