The kinetics of nanoparticle formation due to SO2 photolysis in air at a reduced pressure (100-400 Torr) has been investigated. The dependence of the aerosol formation rate and of the particle growth rate on SO2 and water concentration, as well as on the total pressure, has been studied. The particle growth rate was found to be a linear function of the H2SO4 concentration and the SO2 photolysis rate. This rate was a non-linear function of the water concentration, and at H2O concentration in excess of 1017 cm-3, the growth rate saturates. The numerical simulation within a simplified Smoluchowski model of the gas kinetics has been performed. In this model, the particle formation and growth are considered to result from sulfuric acid condensation. Evaporation of clusters is neglected. The model also accounts for the cluster diffusion losses on the surface of the reactor and pipelines. The calculated results are in a good qualitative agreement with the experimental data obtained.