Vol. 18, issue 12, article # 8

pdf Antoshkin L. V., Botygina N. N., Emaleev O. N., Kovadlo P. G., Konyaev P. A., Lukin V. P., Lavrinov V. V. Adaptive system of correction for the image jitter using a modified correlation sensor. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2005. V. 18. No. 12. P. 969-974.
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The results of testing the adaptive optics system with a correlation sensor at the Big Solar Vacuum Telescope at the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory are presented. Based on fast 12-bit DALSTAR DS-12-16K5H camera and an active mirror with a piezoelectric drive a system to correct for image jitter has been built, that shows good performance in the image patterns with 10 to 15% contrast. In tracking objects with a very noisy granulation image with 1 to 2% contrast, a modified correlation-tracking algorithm is proposed, which demonstrates a capability of using the correlation method in the case of low contrast objects.