Vol. 19, issue 11, article # 1

pdf Kabanov M. V. Regional aspects of the present-day climate as judged from analysis of the observed climate and environmental changes in Siberia. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 11. P. 833-838.
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Regional and subregional (mesoscale) peculiarities of observed climate and environmental changes in Siberia and their dynamic features (time scales of changes) are discussed based on statistical analysis of the relevant ground-based and spaceborne instrumental data. The role of different global factors (cosmophysical, geophysical, biospheric, and anthropogenic) in the observed regional peculiarities, including the retrospective of the last ones on the geological time scale, is analyzed. The climatic phenomenon of the 20th century has been separated out based on correlations between the wavelet spectra for the annual mean near-surface temperature in Western Siberia and Index of the North Atlantic Oscillation with their phase shift being estimated to be up to 7 years. Urgent tasks on the development of integrated regional studies in Siberia are formulated.