Vol. 20, issue 02, article # 15

pdf Belenko O. A., Kutsenogii K. P. Dispersion composition of powdered coal particles. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 02. P. 177-179.
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he technique for measuring the size and identifying the shape of nonspherical particles of coarsely dispersed aerosol is reported. For particles of powdered coal is shown that the size spectrum of area- and perimeter-equivalent diameters ds and dp is well approximated by the lognormal distribution. However, the distribution parameters (ds50δgs) and (ds50δgp) differs, which indicates non-isomorphism of particle shapes. To identify a particle shape, the ratio of equivalent diameters (Δ = ds /dp ) is used: Δ = 1 for spherical particles, its deviation from unit characterizes shapes of particle.