Vol. 20, issue 09, article # 3

pdf Krupnov A. F., Zobov N. F. On a possibility of experimental observation of individual rotational lines of water dimer in the equilibrium gas phase. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 09. P. 703-706.
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The necessity to observe individual lines of a water dimer in the equilibrium gas phase for solving the problem of the dimer absorption of radiation in the Earth's atmosphere is discussed. Intensities of the series of rotational transitions between Е1,±-states in the millimeter range of line widths are calculated. The experimentally reachable sensitivities are considered as applied to a resonant spectrometer of a new type and to a radiospectrometer with acoustic detector for observation of calculated lines. The absorption coefficient and broadening parameter can be measured under the pressure of an individual line of a water dimer with the known quantum number of transition under equilibrium conditions.