Vol. 20, issue 10, article # 17

pdf Zuev V. V., Zueva N. E. Influence of the state of ozonosphere on the risk of acute myocardial infarction. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 10. P. 862-866.
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The results of the studies of the influence of the ozonosphere state, controlling the level of near-ground shortwave UV-В radiation in temperate belt of the Northern Hemisphere, on the risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The mechanism of influence of UV-В radiation on the risk of AMI development is suggested, based on its exceptional role in creation of active form of vitamin D3, which regulates the homeostasis of calcium in the human organism. Statistically significant interrelation between the state of ozonosphere in period of maximum insolation and the number of AMI accidents, recorded during subsequent period of light starvation, is shown.