Vol. 20, issue 12, article # 6

pdf Kozlov V. S., Panchenko M. V., Yausheva E. P. Time content variations of submicron aerosol and soot in the near-ground layer of the West Siberia atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2007. V. 20. No. 12. P. 987-990.
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Based on the regular hourly measurements, we considered the specific features of interannual and seasonal variations of mass concentrations of the dry base substance of submicron aerosol and soot, as well as relative content of soot in aerosol particles in near-ground air layer for 1997-2006. We analyzed the arrays of annually, seasonally, and monthly mean values of aerosol parameters, as well as their root-mean-square deviations and coefficients of variation. For data subarrays, obtained under conditions of the atmosphere free of forest fire smoke, we studied the specific features of annual behavior, and investigated the tendencies in variations and trends of interannual variations of annually and seasonally mean values of aerosol characteristics.