Vol. 23, issue 02, article # 5

Okishev K. N., Ivanov V. I., Kliment'ev S. V., Kuzin A. A., Livashvili A. I. The thermal diffusion mechanism of the nonlinear absorbing in nanoparticle suspensions.. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 02. P. 106-107 [in Russian].
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An experimental research of the thermal diffusion mechanism of a self-induced enlightenment (or darkening) of suspension of carbon nanoparticles in the optical fiber cell by the radiation is presented. The model of the phenomenon, which is based on the thermal diffusion mechanism and taking into account a convection, is proposed.


the disperse fluid medium, nanoparticles, nonlinear absorption, convection, thermodiffusion