Vol. 23, issue 10, article # 3

Zakharov V. M., Kostko O. K., Khattatov V. U. Laser applications for atmospheric research in CAO. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 10. P. 854-859 [in Russian].
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A brief review of the results of the Central Aerosological Observatory (CAO) for the use of laser for atmospheric research since the invention of the first lasers is presented. The main historical stages of development of different areas of atmospheric research in the CAO are considered, in which lasers have taken a worthy place. Among them meteorological laser sounding of the atmosphere, the study of optical and microphysical properties of clouds and atmospheric aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere, gas analysis and chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere, remote sensing of underlying surface.


laser, lidar, atmosphere, sounding, optics