Vol. 23, issue 11, article # 1

Аntokhin P. N., Arshinova V. G., Arshinov M. Yu., Belan B. D., Belan S. B., Davydov D. K., Ivlev G. A., Kozlov A. V., Rasskazchikova T. M., Fofonov A. V. The blocking role of the Ural mountains in the transboundary transfer of impurities from Europe to Asia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 11. P. 937-941 [in Russian].
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Present article is devoted to the analysis of distribution of impurity in the region adjoining the Ural mountains with the purpose of searching above territory of Siberia of traces of the West-European emissions. It is shown, that transboundary carry of impurity from Europe to Asia along direct trajectories (along a circle of latitude) from the west to the east is possible only in free troposphere, in a layer of 2 km higher. Within the limits of a boundary layer of the atmosphere the transfer of impurity from Europe to Siberia is probable only on the trajectories, which envelope the Ural mountains from the north or the south.


aerosol, block, gases, distribution, transboundary carry