Vol. 23, issue 12, article # 7

Admaev O. V., Gavrilenko T. V. The use of Markovian processes for estimation of ecological safety of urban airspace. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2010. V. 23. No. 12. P. 1087-1090 [in Russian].
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The condition of atmospheric air in a city is considered as a system which can be in one of four incompatible conditions. The behaviour of the system is described by homogeneous Markovian chains. Elements of a transition matrix are defined by aggregated data. Weekly reports about NO2 concentration in Krasnoyarsk air issued by Environmental Pollution Monitoring Center are used as initial data; the method of restricted least squares is used for problem solution.


condition of atmospheric air, Markovian chain, aggregated data, method of the restricted least squares