Vol. 27, issue 04, article # 8

Rybka D. V., Burachenko A. G., Kozhevnikov V. Yu., Kozyrev A. V., Tarasenko V. F. Effect of nitrogen pressure on characteristics of X-ray during the transition from diffuse discharge to corŠ¾na one. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 04. P. 311-315 [in Russian].
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Data on the parameters of X-ray pulse at the repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharge in the nitrogen were obtained. It was shown that during the transition from diffuse to corona discharge the X-ray pulse duration increased. A theoretical modeling of the nonstationary process of corona discharge development at atmospheric pressure when nanosecond voltage pulse applied across the gap was performed. Spatial and temporal distribution of concentration of charged particles and the electric potential in the discharge gap were calculated. It was shown that when the nanosecond voltage pulse came to the end non-monotonic potential distribution formed in the gap. It should be said that at the same time the electric field is concentrated in a narrow region of the front of the ionization wave.


nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge, diffuse discharge, corona discharge, X-ray radiation, runaway electrons


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