Vol. 27, issue 05, article # 6

Marichev V. N., Bochkovskii D. A. The study of possibilities of lidar measurements of the Earth atmosphere temperature from the space. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 05. P. 399-406 [in Russian].
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In the article, the analysis of lidar measurements of atmospheric temperature in the UV spectral region from the international space station was performed. As a lidar transmitter, a solid Nd:YAG laser with 3 and 4 harmonics radiation (wavelengths of 355 and 266 nm) was taken. Using a lidar operating at 355 nm with the available parameters at the 10% level of measurement error, the altitude range from 20 to 70 km at night (the calculations were not carried out below) can be covered. For a small field of view of a receiving aperture of about 0.1 mrad and narrow-bandwidth filters of about 1 nm, temperature measurements are implementable in the range 20–40 km during the day and 20–70 km at twilight time.
Despite the large signals obtained at a wavelength of 266 nm, its use is not possible due to the influence of lidar radiation absorption by ozone. The latter, when calculating the temperature from the measured lidar signals due to the systematic errors, leads to its false deviations from the actual values.


space, atmosphere, space apparatus (spacecraft), lidar, vertical distribution of temperature


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