Vol. 27, issue 06, article # 1

Vinogradova A. A. Seasonal and long-term variations in atmospheric circulation indices and air mass transport to the Russian Arctic. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 06. P. 463–472 [in Russian].
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Seasonal and long-term variations in six atmospheric circulation indices (ACI) and in air transport to three points in the Russian Arctic were concurrently analyzed for the period of 1986–2010. The monthly mean values of ACI and of air mass transport frequencies from some territories were studied for the central months of the seasons. The principal differences between winter and summer ACI systems were found, as well as its transitional structures. Correlations between atmospheric transport pathways and ACI (or their group) show some connections and seasonal features in processes under investigation. Some statistically significant differences between the years with maximal and minimal solar activity were revealed as for ACI and for air transport to the Russian Arctic.


atmosphere, Arctic, long-range transport, atmospheric circulation indices, solar activity


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