Effects of the Pinatubo volcano eruption and variations of solar activity on stratospheric O3 and NO2 are estimated, using data of satellite measurements of ozone concentration by SBUV/SBUV-2 instruments and results of ground-based measurements of the column NO2 content in the NDACC. The NO2 decrease related to the Pinatubo eruption is within 19–23% at different stations, the NO2 decrease in the Southern hemisphere (SH) is on the whole something larger than in the Northern hemisphere (NH). The decrease in O3 concentration in the NH extratropical lower stratosphere (~ 10%) is, on the contrary, much larger than in the SH. Maximal decrease in ozone concentration is noted in the neighbourhood of 10 hPa level (32 km) at 10–15°S. The effect of the 11-year solar cycle in stratospheric ozone is approximately symmetrical about the equator. Altitude maxima of the O3 response to the solar cycle are noted at altitudes of 50–55, 35–40, and below 25 km. The changes in O3 concentration in these layers are usually within several percents. Essential interhemispheric difference is noted in the NO2 response to the 11-year solar cycle. The NO2 content at most of SH stations is usually lower during the phase of maximum than during the phase of minimum of solar activity. The NO2 content at the low- and mid-latitude stations of the NH is often larger during a solar activity maximum compared to that during its minimum. NO2 changes related to the solar cycle are usually within 5%.
ozone, NO2, Pinatubo volcano, solar activity
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