Vol. 27, issue 07, article # 15

Kataev M. Yu., Bekerov A. A. Detection of ecological changes in the natural environment from satellite measurements. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 07. P. 652-656 [in Russian].
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The main directions of the ecological control of the territory from the space are the development of methods of remote sensing of the parameters of Earth surface and atmosphere and monitoring of the state of the environment. Monitoring data are necessary for investigation of natural processes and analysis of impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors on the natural environment. For receiving, processing, and analysis of data of the satellite remote monitoring, it is necessary to create appropriate software. The article considers a program-analytical complex based on MODIS satellite data allowing counting vegetation indexes and analysis of their behavior. On the basis of statistical data, the dependence of natural variations in the indexes is determined that allows detecting changes in the variations due to anthropogenic impacts.


ecology, methodology, satellite data, vegetation indexes


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