Vol. 27, issue 10, article # 9

Komarov V. S., Nakhtigalova D. P., Ilin S. N., Lavrinenko A. V., Lomakina N. Ya. Climatic zoning of the Siberia territory according to the total and lower cloudiness conditions as a basis for construction of local cloud atmosphere models. Part 2. The results of climatic zoning. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 10. P. 899–905 [in Russian].
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The applied climatic zoning of the Siberian region was carried out on the basis of the original methodology of an objective classification of the meteorological objects according to the total and lower cloudiness conditions (using their average seasonal values and frequencies for five gradations (0, 1–3, 4–6, 7–9, and 10 balls) as well as the special similarity criteria). 18 homogeneous cloud regions for winter, 17 for spring, 13 for summer and 14 for autumn were revealed in the result of this zoning. Local cloud atmosphere models were built for each identified homogeneous cloud region. The models include the pattern average seasonal values of total and lower cloudiness amount as well as their frequencies for five gradations.


applied climatic zoning, total and lower cloudiness conditions, local cloud atmosphere models, Siberian region, four calendar seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn)


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