Vol. 28, issue 01, article # 6

Shishigin S. A., Balandin S. F. Study of the correlation technigue for measurements of N2O content in atmospheric layers from a satellite. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 01. P. 46-51 [in Russian].
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The analysis of the gas filter correlation technique for measurements of the nitrous oxide content in the atmosphere in the 2530–2590 cm–1 spectral region has been carried out. The influence of the gas pressure in the correlation cell and the cell length on the observed results has been discussed. The influence of the N2O concentration in atmospheric layers and emissivity of the atmosphere on the N2O measurement error in the atmospheric column has been investigated. The feasibility of the gas filter correlation technique for measurements of the nitrous oxide content in the atmospheric boundary layer from aerospace platform has been examined.


correlation radiometer, nitrous oxide, atmosphere, radiation


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