Vol. 28, issue 02, article # 12

Lapchenko V. A., Zvyagintsev A. M. Minor atmospheric gases in the Karadag nature reserve, the Crimea. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 02. P. 178-181 [in Russian].
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We present data of concentrations of surface ozone and some other minor atmospheric gases at the Karadag nature reserve, the Crimea, during March 2013 – February 2014. During all period of observations, concentrations of primary pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2) were tens times less than national critical levels. Variability of surface ozone is similar to one observed at rural territories of the southern West Europe. The diurnal maximum of ozone concentration is observed in 14–17 h LT. Two ozone maxima are observed during a year; the main maximum is observed in the end of July – beginning of August and the weaker maximum is in April. There were several ozone episodes in hot periods where ozone concentration exceeded the national ozone critical level (160 mcg × m–3) but no more than by 10%. We conclude that according to the WHO criteria air quality at the Karadag nature reserve and, probably, at all Black Sea resorts of the Crimea are fully formed only by surface ozone concentration.


surface ozone, minor gases, nature reserve, seasonal and diurnal variability, critical concentrations of pollutants


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