Vol. 28, issue 03, article # 7

Abdullaev S. F., Maslov V. A., Nazarov B. I., Madvaliev U., Davlatshoev T. The elemental composition of soil and dust aerosol in south-central part of Tajikistan. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 03. P. [in Russian].
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The migration of heavy metals, the most dangerous contaminants of soil, are analyzed. The analysis of background contamination of soil with heavy metals showed that the invasion of dust haze from the south-western boundary results in increased concentration of Sc, Zn, Ni, Cu, Ca, Sr and Ge in aerosol particles in the dust haze, as compared with the soils of the zone of dust haze. In samples of dust haze aerosol, it was found a small quantity of K, Ti, Ni, V, and Cr, relative to Clarke, indicating a weak migration of these elements in the atmosphere. A strong migration of Co, Zn, Rb, As, and Sr elements in the atmosphere was found. Even more alarming is the accumulation of toxic elements such as Zn, Sb, and As, the content of which is up to ten times higher than Clarke.


heavy metals, soil, X-ray fluorescence analysis of soils, elemental composition, isotopes, Clarke


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