Vol. 28, issue 04, article # 13

Osipov K. Yu., Kapitanov V. A., Karapuzikov A. I. Design and modeling of a photo-acoustic gas analyzer with a termal source for carbon isotope ratio analysis. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 04. P. 366-371 [in Russian].
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It is represented the scheme of work and numerical modeling of a photoacoustic gas analyzer with IR-source and 1-st order interference filter for carbon isotope ratios analysis. An optimal spectral range for gaz analyzer operation is selected. In the selected wavelength range, the spectral characteristics of the atmosphere and some additional gazes are analyzed, which could affect the measurement results. The proposed gas analyzer allows us to measure carbon isotope ratios 13С/12С in CO2 samples with a minimal error of about 0.5‰, and could be useful for detection of such gases as SO2, CO, NH3, absorption lines of which exist in the selected spectral range.


gas analysis, carbon isotope ratios, photoacoustic detector, absorbtion spectrum, Fabry–Perot interferometer


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