Vol. 28, issue 06, article # 14

Khuriganova O. I., Obolkin V. A., Potemkin V. L., Khodzher T. V., Artem'eva O. V., Golobokova L. P. Ozone concentration in the ground atmospheric layer in urban, rural, and background areas of the south of Eastern Siberia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 06. P. 579–584. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150614 [in Russian].
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In the paper, results of many years studies of ozone concentration in three regions of Eastern Siberia (background, rural, and urban) are presented. Variations of different temporal scale ozone concentrations are considered: daily, seasonal and year-to-year, as well as the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on these variations. It was received that ozone concentrations in every three regions have similar seasonal changes: maximum in spring and minimum in autumn. During all joint observation period, ozone concentrations in remote and rural regions had similar values, while in urban conditions the ozone concentration was 1.5–2 times lower.
In addition to seasonal variations there are changes on synoptic scale and most clear daily variations caused by photo-chemical generation under the action of solar radiations. In rural site, short-time non periodical decrease in ozone concentrations was observed under the influence of regional air pollution.
In background site during 18 years of observation, the maximal ozone concentrations were observed in 2003–2005, but from those years till recently the ozone concentrations have tendency to be lower.


surface ozone concentration, troposphere, active sampling method, passive sampling method, monitoring stations, Irkutsk, Listvyanka, Mondy


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