Vol. 28, issue 06, article # 3

Vinogradova A. A., Smirnov N. S., Korotkov V. N., Romanovskaya A. A. Forest fires in Siberia and Far East (Russia): Emissions and atmospheric transport of black carbon to the Arctic. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 06. P. 512–520. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150603 [in Russian].
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Black carbon (BC) emissions to the atmosphere from forest fires in Siberia and Far East (Russia) are presented for the period 2000–2013 from official data of Federal Forestry Agency of Russian Federation (http://www.rosleshoz.gov.ru/). The different types of forest fires (crown and creeping fires, fires on nonforested and unforested lands) are analyzed, as well as their seasonal and spatial variations. The total annual BC emission from the territory is estimated as high as (27 ± 8) kt, with annual value variations of (3.5–94) kt from year to year. Seasonal spatial distributions of BC emissions on grid cells (1º×1º) averaged through 14 years were calculated. Despite only 5-time excess evaluation of anthropogenic emissions over the forest fires ones, the BC impact through the atmosphere from the forest fire BC emissions to the Russian Arctic environment is considerably (more than 10 times) less than the anthropogenic contribution.


black carbon, soot, nature forest fires, Russian BC emissions, long-range atmospheric transport, the Arctic


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