Vol. 28, issue 06, article # 6

Kraineva M. V., Malakhova V. V., Golubeva E. N. Numerical simulation of forming temperature anomalies in the Laptev Sea due to the heat flow of the Lena River. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 06. P. 534–539. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150606 [in Russian].
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Based on the numerical modeling, the existence of the temperature anomalies in the Laptev Sea shelf areas due to the heat flow of the Lena River is investigated. In order to determine the heat flow at the outlet to the sea, the linear regression formulas connecting the river water temperature with the air temperature are used. It is shown that the temperature anomalies caused by the river run-off can reach 2°C not only at the surface water but also at the bottom water in the Laptev Sea shelf areas, however these anomalies exist only during the summer season. With the use of the numerical modeling it has been obtained that the increase in the bottom water temperature by 2°C in August and September results in growth of the permafrost degradation rate near the Lena Delta.


Laptev Sea, water circulation, heat flow of the Lena River, East Siberian Shelf


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