Vol. 28, issue 07, article # 7

Krasnov O. A., Maksutov Shamil. Shamil., Davydov D. K., Fofonov A. V., Glagolev M. V., Inoue Gen. Monitoring of methane and carbon dioxide emission from soil to atmosphere and soil parameters. Bakchar bog of Tomsk region (2014). // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 07. P. 644-654. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150707 [in Russian].
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Long-term field measurements of GHG (methane and carbon dioxide) fluxes, at the “soil–atmosphere” interface using six static chambers and an automatic sampling and analysis system “Flux-NIES” from the six different plant associations of Vasyugan bog near Plotnikovo settlement (Tomsk region, 56°51.29´ N, 82°50.91´ E) during the warm period of 2015 have been presented. Soil temperature and underground water level as controlling factors to understand methane emission fluxes from soil to atmosphere through measurement period are discussed


greenhouse gases, atmospheric methane, atmospheric carbon dioxide, gas exchange at the “soil–atmosphere” interface, automatic complex “Flux-NIES” for flux measurements, temperature and hydrological soil parameters


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