Vol. 28, issue 07, article # 9

Tarasenko V. F., Beloplotov D. V., Baksht E. H., Burachenko A. G., Lomaev M. I. Equivalent of bead lightning in pulse discharge generated by runaway electrons in atmospheric pressure air. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 07. P. 661-668. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20150709 [in Russian].
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The breakdown initiated by runaway electrons in non-uniform electric field in atmospheric pressure air was investigated. Bright plasma channels (like filaments) in the center of the discharge gap was observed on the background of the diffuse discharge at applying high-voltage pulses with an amplitude of about 200 kV across the discharge gap with interelectrode distance of 18 mm. Occurrence probability of the ones was no more than 10%. Glow of the bright plasma channels are similar to the one of a spark. It was found that the bright plasma channels appear on the decline stage of the discharge current. Radiation intensity of the one is an order of magnitude less than that of the diffuse discharge. Furthermore, the bright plasma channels was observed in pulse-periodic discharge. In this case, nanosecond voltage pulses with an amplitude of 10–15 kV was applied across the discharge gap with interelectrode distance of 6 mm. Pulse repetition rate was 400 Hz. Occurrence of the bright plasma channels on the background of diffuse discharge is due to generation of runaway electrons and the discharge current redistribution in cross-section of the discharge plasma on the decline stage of the discharge current. It is assumed that the registered form of the discharge is analog of bead lightning observed in the Earth's atmosphere


breakdown of atmospheric pressure air in non-uniform electric field, experimental simulation of bead lightning, runaway electrons


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