Statistical analysis of the links between direct aerosol radiative forcing at the upper boundary of the atmosphere (ARF), aerosol radiative perturbation at the lower boundary of the atmosphere (ARP) in spectral range from 0.2 to 4.0 m and optical and microphysical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol was carried out using measurements by global network AERONET in the Middle Urals during 2004–2014. It is proposed to use multiple regression analysis to build simple models of ARF, ARP – parameters of the aerosol. The ranked sets of the most significant statistically independent predictors of aerosol parameters were found. The semi empirical linear and nonlinear statistical models of the influence of the atmospheric aerosol on perturbation fluxes of short-wave solar radiation on the upper and lower boundary of the atmosphere were proposed.
aerosol, forcing, perturbation of the flow of radiation, empirical statistical models, regression analysis, AERONET
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