Vol. 3, issue 09, article # 6

pdf Belikov Yu. E. Luminescence around the MR-12 meteorological rockets in flight. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 09. P. 866-872.
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Luminescence in the environment around MR-12 meteorological rockets was studied on the descending trajectory by two spectroradiometers installed in the rocket payload. The spectroradiometers had a field of view of 3º, the optical axis being oriented at 55º to the rocket spin axis and along it, respectively. The results of fourteen flights are considered. The extent of the region of the near-rocket glow (NRG) along the rocket trajectory is shown to increase as the flight altitude decreases. It is found that the daytime NRG consists of two components: the scattered sunlight portion produced by the rocket aerosol environment and an emissive one. The spectral characteristics of both NRG components are given. Day-to-night changes of the NRG characteristics and those induced by flight conditions are analyzed.