Vol. 3, issue 11, article # 8

pdf Korotchenko E. A., Lazarev V. V., Ponomarev Yu. N., Tikhomirov B. A. Study of pressure broadening and shifts of the 103 band of water vapor caused by atomic and molecular gases. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 11. P. 1076-1079.
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Measurements of the broadening and shift coefficients of the absorption lines of the 103 band and of H2O centered at 694.215, 694.237, and 694.38 nm have been carried out in binary mixtures of atomic and molecular gases with the help of a dual-channel opto-acoustic spectrometer. It was found that in broadening by atomic gases or molecular gases that possess an intrinsic quadrupole moment, the frequency shift of all the lines is negative and comparable in magnitude with the Doppler width. In the case of broadening by the rare gases the shift coefficient for the H2O absorption line in contrast with the broadening coefficient is a nonlinear function ofthe atomic polarizabilities of the gases. In the case of a binary mixture of H O vapor and acetone the pressure-induced shift coefficient for the lines under study differs both in magnitude and sign.


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