In the article, evidences of really observed regional transport of air pollutants onto Lake Baikal are compared with calculations with the use of mathematical model. According to observed data the highest air pollution over the lake is connected with atmospheric transport of sulphur and nitrogen dioxides from largest coal Power Plants situated around Irkutsk and Angarsk cities as well as from the side of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude and Gusinoozersk). Particularly strong transport of sulphur and nitrogen dioxides into Baikal atmosphere happens at a night time, due to inversed meteorological condition, with weakly dispersed plumes from high stacks of Power Plants. Data of automatic measurements of sulphur and nitrogen dioxides demonstrate that real mechanisms of pollutant’s transfer on the Lake Baikal are more complicated and varied as compared with simulated results. Simulated estimations of SO2 concentrations are close to month average observed concentrations, but they do not describe some special events of extremely high concentrations of pollutants in Baikal atmosphere.
atmospheric pollution, sulpfur and nitrogen dioxides, atmospheric transfer
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