The knowledge of the errors of measurement methods is very important for the assessment of the quality of experimental data. We compare the results of various measurements of total ozone content (TOC) near St. Petersburg between 2009 and 2015. We considere the TOC datasets of ground-based measurements in Voeykovo (Dobson spectrophotometer and M-124 ozonometer) and in Peterhof (Bruker 125HR spectrometer) as well as OMI and IASI satellite measurements. With the aim to assess the errors of the each individual method, we formed three datasets of coincident TOC measurements, depending on the number of comparisons and different criteria for selection. First, we calculated the means and the standard deviation from the means for the TOC differences in pairs of coincident datasets. Second, under the assumption of a horizontally homogeneous and stationary ozone field during each day of measurements, we assessed the random and systematic errors of the individual methods. The mean random error of the TOC measurements totals 2.9 ± 0.5%, 2.8 ± 0.7%, 1.2 ± 0.2%, and 1.4 ± 0.1% for IASI, M-124, OMI, and Bruker 125HR, respectively. The systematic error relative to the standard Dobson measurements amounts to –1.7% and –2.1% for OMI and IASI, respectively, and is equal to + 0.5% and + 2.1% for M-124 and Bruker 125HR, respectively. OMI and Bruker 125HR TOC measurement errors are resistant to atmospheric condition, whereas errors of IASI and M-124 TOC measurements are highly dependent on the state of atmosphere.
atmospheric ozone, errors, validation, IASI, OMI, М-124, Bruker 125HR, Dobson
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