Vol. 30, issue 02, article # 11

Svarovskaya L. I., Yashchenko I. G., Аltunina L. K. Adaptive monitoring system for assesment of the scale of pollution of territories of oil and gas enterprises. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 02. P. 177-183. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170211 [in Russian].
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A system has been developed to monitor anthropogenic pollutions of remote inaccessible wetlands in the northern oil-producing areas of the Tomsk region. It combines the use of geoinformation and remote technologies with laboratory investigations. To assess the scale of pollution and identify pollutants and processes of hydrocarbon transformation we used simulation techniques based on the analysis of the materials obtained in field investigations and processing of ASTERGDEM and Landsat satellite data. The state of vegetable cover has been estimated depending on the pollutant concentrations and the activity of biocenosis enzymatic system. A normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which reflects the vitality of the vegetation in the polluted area, has been calculated, as well a pollution factor of small rivers flowing through the territory of the Sovetskoye oilfield. We have mapped catchment area of the Vasyugan river, tributary of the Ob river, with a high risk of pollution, where there are nearly 400 sites of the pipeline crossings through a network of small rivers – tributaries of the Vasyugan river. The values obtained were proved by the data of physicochemical and microbiological analyses of the soil and water sampled in the area under study. The number and destructive activity of soil microflora has been determined depending on the pollutant concentrations.


oil pollution, biocoenosis, biodegradation, geoinformation technologies, normalized differential vegetation index, catchment basin of rivers


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