Results of research of the CuBr laser operating characteristics working in the double-pulse excitation mode with a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz are given. The possibilities of increasing the efficiency by optimizing the parameters of the excitation pulse and matching with the impedance of the plasma formed by a dissociating pulse are considered. Laser efficiency of 2.56% at an excitation pulse with average power of 16 mW and time delay between dissociation and excitation pulses of 150 ms is received. Specific energy of the dissociating pulse reached 22 mJ/cm3; and of the exciting, 0.4 mJ/cm3. Introduction of saturation inductance into the excitation circuit provides for the maximum efficiency of 2.7%.
СuBr laser, average output power, double-pulsed excitation, dissociation pulse, energy density, laser efficiency
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