Vol. 30, issue 03, article # 6

Aloyan A. E., Arutyunyan V. O., Еrmakov A. N. Mathematical modeling of convective cloudiness in polar regions. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 03. P. 222–226. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170306 [in Russian].
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A three-dimensional numerical model of moist convection and formation of convective cloudiness in the Arctic atmosphere is considered. A model of mixed clouds with explicit description of liquid and ice phases is used with nonstationary equations for cloud-drop and ice-particle size distributions. The model capability in the reproduction of polar mesoscale cyclones in the Arctic atmosphere is analyzed.


numerical simulation, atmosphere, convective cloudiness, polar mesoscale cyclones, condensation, coagulation, nucleation


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