Vol. 30, issue 04, article # 7

Glagolev M. V., Ilyasov D. V., Terentyeva I. E., Sabrekov A. F., Krasnov O. A., Maksyutov Sh. Sh. Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in the waterlogged forests of Western Siberian southern and middle taiga subzones. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 04. P. 301–309. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170407 [in Russian].
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Field measurements methane and carbon dioxide fluxes have been conducted on two sites of Western Siberia in south and middle taiga on August 16–24, 2015. Static chamber method had been used. Two measurement sites were chose in Bakchar bog, Tomsk Region, for typical local ecosystems (from oligotrophic bog to enclosed forest and periodically flooded forest) and in waterlogged forest near Shapsha settlement, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region. Maximum methane fluxes have been measured from the overmoistening territory of burnt birch forest (median is 6.96; lower and upper quartiles are –3.12 and 9.95 mgС × m–2 × h–1, respectively). Minimum of these parameters (among the above objects) was measured in the periodic seasonal waterlogged forest (median, lower and upper quartiles are –0.08, –0.14 and –0.03 mgС × m–2 × h–1, respectively). These data may be used for estimation of regional methane fluxes from waterlogged and periodically flooded forests and for forecast of their influence on the total balance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


waterlogged forest, methane and carbon dioxide fluxes, greenhouse gases


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