Vol. 30, issue 06, article # 14

Zakharenko V. S., Daibova E. B. Surface properties of aerosol microparticles of calcium and magnesium hydroxides under ambient air. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 06. P. 536–539. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170614 [in Russian].
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The adsorption and photosorption properties of microparticles of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 in ambient air are studied. The composition of adsorption layer of microparticles is analyzed. The kinetics of photodesorption of molecules from the microparticle surfaces and interaction of Freon 22 (CHF2Cl) with its surfaces in the dark and under illumination are studied. The effect of weakly-bound CO displacement from the microparticle surfaces is revealed during the Freon 22 dark adsorption. It is suggested that the adsorbed CO is formed in the result of atmospheric CO2 reduction after the break of Mg–OH bonds. Calcium hydroxide CO is generated during interaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide on the microparticle surfaces in the presence of water.


calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, microparticles, surface properties, ambient air conditions, surface composition


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