Vol. 30, issue 10, article # 8

Poddubnyi V. A., Dubinkina E. S. The problem of fluid location of the atmosphere for the estimation of pollution fields and retrieval of source. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 862–870. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171008 [in Russian].
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A fundamentally new physico-mathematical formulation of the problem of retrieving the average field of atmospheric contaminant concentrations and detecting emission sources from local measurements is presented. This is a problem of passive location of the atmosphere by wind or a problem of fluid location of the atmosphere. The definitions of new functions are given: the mean effective concentration field and the mean effective field of the sources. The differential and integral forms of equations for the solution of the problem are presented. Several particular cases are briefly considered, which show the relationship of the proposed approach with the methods of back trajectories statistics and direct atmospheric dispersion simulation.


atmosphere, monitoring, simulation, formulation of the problem, conservation equations, Lagrangian particles, back trajectories, retrieval of the concentration field, sources of emission


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